What’s ahead for Facebook – this is there 10 year plan

We know Mark Z likes to keep it fresh and keep us guessing on what will be the new focuses for Facebook and the new features have been developed based on demand from us, the people that use it.

At the F8 Developer Conference in San Francisco, Facebook have announced what the next 10 years is going to look like for them. Not surprising to see connectivity, AI and virtual reality predictably getting a big focus and video remains very strong as you would’ve noticed recently if you are looking at the analytics from your direct video posts on your Facebook page. The focus on VR is not surprising given that Facebook acquired Oculus last year.

facebook roadmap3

A few new features you will soon see are:

  • Video profile images
  • Extending the functionality of the Save button, making it similar to the Pocket app
  • Adding a new Rights Manager tool to combat freebooting (people re uploading video and claiming it as their own)
  • Text sharing feature that enables you to share highlighted text

Another change that sounds pretty cool that was mentioned late last year is the introduction of Facebook M. With digital assistants like Siri and Cortana already widely used, Facebook is going to introduce Facebook M which is a Messenger-based digital assistant that is a digital/human hybrid.

I am most excited about the new video profile feature that’ll make it easier to upload video direct from other video tools like Vine & Boomerang.

Love it or hate it, at least Facebook are developing their product to remain relevant to their audience and listen to what their users want (unlike LinkedIn and Twitter).

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